$26.99 AUD
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Rebel redefines ultra-light lures with the Micro Crickhopper ultra-finesse baits. Available in three tantalizing colours and styles mimicking Rebel’s most-popular and effective lures, this line up spells big trouble for fish and big fun for fishermen. The single hook is barbless, which eliminates most deep-hooking issues common to ultralight lures. Micro Critters are available in downsized mimics of the Wee Crawfish, Minnow, Crickhopper and Pop-R.


  • Effectively mimics a small grasshopper
  • Barbless hook - Less snags


Model Length Weight Hooks Cranking Depth
F5556 1 1/4in
1 1/16 oz #2 2-3 inch
Qty available: 5 SKU:020554070564